Monday, May 7, 2012

Broilers are out!

I was planning on moving the broilers out to pasture this weekend, but made the decision to do it this morning when I found four injured chicks in the brooder. The little monsters have grown so big that they're once spacious brooder was now getting too small. There was plenty of room still, but they felt the need to walk over one another instead of going around. Grrr. The entire week is supposed to be in the high 70's and possible into the 80's, so I figured it would be a good time to make the move on the birds.


They're doing great so far! The four injured chicks are still in the brooder, but hopefully they'll perk up in a couple of days and be ready to join their pals in the chicken tractor.


I do like seeing the broilers in the pasture... It just looks right. :)


  1. What fun! My 2 new babies are out in the backyard right now, for a field trip. Too cold still for the night temps, but getting them acclimated to outside...

  2. Wow, those look small. They always do though. Then they eat...


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