Sunday, May 6, 2012

Coming Soon

Saturday has quite the story... Being awake for 21 hours, learning more than I ever thought possible about bucks, and spending the day with a good friend. There are stories upon stories to tell y'all...

And they are coming soon.

But first, I must tell all the stories over at Mother Earth News. I haven't been very good about doing my weekly posts over there, so I intend to do a bang-up job with this story to make up for lost time.

And then, once I've spouted words over there, then I will let y'all in on how it went. ;) 

And just to whet your appetite... Here are a few shots for you.





  1. Cute, looking forward to your adventures!

  2. For as much as I dislike being around bucks, they sure are charming!


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