Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Raising Rabbits Workshop!


  Are you thinking about getting started with rabbits but you aren’t sure where to start? Want to raise your own meat but you don’t know how to butcher it properly? Concerned with the way our economy is going and want to have your own personal food supply in case of emergencies? Rabbits are the perfect livestock for beginners, city dwellers, and homesteaders!

  Rabbits are clean, odorless, quiet, and productive. Two breeding does can supply almost 200 lbs. of high quality meat per year, and it can be done in the tiniest of backyards. Rabbit meat is known for its fine texture and its high level of protein; rabbit meat is twice as filling as chicken, so one 3 lb. fryer will go as far as a 5 lb. chicken from the store! Whether you are using rabbits for meat, fiber, breeding stock, show, or pets, you can learn all you need to know in just one day…

Come to the ‘Raising Rabbits Workshop’ and learn everything from handling rabbits, feeding, breeding, marketing, raising litters, butchering and more! Attendees will also have the opportunity to butcher a live rabbit of their own (this part of the class will be held at the end and it is optional to attend this part), and learn how to do the job properly and how to deal with the meat afterwards.

  Lunch is provided and will be a delicious rabbit soup and homemade bread. If you prefer to have something else, you are more than welcome to bring your own lunch.

Cost: $60 per person; a $30 deposit is required to reserve your spot.

Date: May 26th, 2012 (Saturday)

Time: 10:30AM to 3:00PM

This workshop will be held in a barn, so please dress appropriately for unpredictable Oregon weather! Lunch will be held inside the house if the weather is undesirable.

Attendees will take home handouts from each subject covered, and will have the option to take home the rabbit they butchered (additional cost applies). Breeding stock may also be for sale.

For more information, or to sign up, please contact me by clicking HERE! There are only 6 spots left for this class so don’t wait too long to put your reservation down!


And for those of you who are interested in such a workshop but are unable to attend due to distance between you and the state of Oregon, I do have a webinar in the works that will be available for purchase soon! Just waiting for some good weather!


  1. Interesting, but I couldn't kill them, sigh....

  2. Oh man I wish I could be there! I am curious though, what do you do with your pelts? Do you tan them at all or just compost them? I have been interested in learning how to brain tan, but it seems to be something that not a lot of people do anymore.

  3. Nicole, right now I just compost the pelts... It feels horribly wasteful to me, but I haven't learned how to tan pelts yet. But I do want to soon! I have a friend who brain tanned a deer pelt and I believe it worked out, but I don't know the specifics on how it was done...

    Oh and @ Nancy, it took me a few years before I could kill them... As long as I don't think about it, I'm good to go. ;)

  4. I must have been doing something wrong, because our rabbits smelled...and I worried all the time about warble fly in the summer. Maybe you don't have it there, where it's cooler.

  5. I've been reading pretty extensively on brain tanning so I think I'm going to try it this summer. I'll let you know how it ends up turning out. :)


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