Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Zebra Cow

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are pictures so I won't have to type as much! ;) This is my "zebra cow"...


You're probably wondering what on earth I've done to my little heifer, aren't you? Well friends, this is Peaches' new fly mask! The poor dear has been tormented by the flies (and they aren't even that bad yet!) to such an extent that she's been having eye problems and some extremely irritated skin around the face. I couldn't bear watching her always trying to rid herself of the pesky insects and failing every time; so I bought her this.


Lucky for me, I had a cool coupon for Jeffers Livestock, so I got this spandy fly mask for free. All I had to do was pay the measly shipping fee. Shucks, that's a bargain!


Zebra stripes probably wouldn't have been my first choice in colors/patterns but it's all the store carries at this time, so Peaches will just have to be content with being an attention-getter. Hopefully the traffic on our road won't pile up...


And yes, she actually can see through the mask!! In person, you can see her eyes and a lot of detail through the thin weave, but you can't see it through a picture. 


I admit I was skeptical when I bought this thing. I didn't think she would be able to see through it, or that it would even keep the flies at bay since it hangs open around the muzzle. But it works! I've been watching with a smile as the flies land where her eyes are, but they can't reach her. Peaches grazes on in peace... 


Ivy, being the drama queen that she is, is terrified of this new zebra striped creature that has suddenly invaded her territory. It's amusing watching her run away in fright, and then Peaches follows along right behind her thinking that it's time to move to new pasture. I think they might still be outside doing that... Hmm.


But Peaches definitely seems more content with the mask on. I think she's happy to finally have relief from the constant torment. Let's just hope that the flies don't get smart and think up a new battle plan.


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