Friday, June 1, 2012

For Sale

It always hurts when I put a goat up for sale... There is inevitably always regret in doing so later on. Today I saw one of last year's doelings, Shilling is her name, and she was drop-dead gorgeous! I couldn't believe she used to be mine, and that I was her breeder. Wow. but then the regret came of ever selling her in the first place... But sometimes a sale IS necessary, and it most certainly is in this case.

Dear, sweet Poppet is up for sale.


This is not  an out-of-the-blue thought, but rather is a conclusion of many months of speculation. I need to focus on the Nubians this year most likely next year. I cannot breed Poppet to the standard sized bucks that come through here during breeding season, and I cannot find any Nigerian bucks to rent. Poppet needs to go to a home where she will be used to her full potential.

Poppet is just over 1 year old (4-14-11 is her birth date) and is registered with ADGA. Her pedigree can be viewed at:

She has the potential to be a really good milker, and if she turns out anything like her dam, she should be just lovely! Poppet is spunky, affectionate and has a huge sense of humor. She honestly has no idea that she's only eighteen inches tall. Nope, this girl fully believes that she is a Great Dane, towering above her herdmates. I haven't had the heart to tell her otherwise, so she is still under the aforementioned delusion. ;)

If you're in the area, you are more than welcome to come out and see her. If you're out of state, that not too much of a problem either. There are a couple livestock haulers headed through Oregon and back East in the next couple of weeks. We'll figure something out. ;)

I'm asking $250 for her. This is exactly what I paid for her as an 8 week old kid, and I have put a years worth of food and training into her. This is a good doe folks. Good doe, good price. Do I hear any bids?


  1. I wish I could have her! She is absouloutly stunning. What a sweet little girl.

  2. I wish I could too.. she;s so sweet, but when I get a goat I want a full sized one so her 'bucks' will make a decent meal and she will geive a decent amount of milk.

  3. I wish I could too.. she;s so sweet, but when I get a goat I want a full sized one so her 'bucks' will make a decent meal and she will geive a decent amount of milk.


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