Thursday, June 7, 2012

Huntaways, Handys, and Heading Dogs

I've been reading about some dog breeds that I've never heard of... The New Zealand Heading Dog, The New Zealand Huntaway, and the New Zealand Handy dog. I'm intrigued. What got me started on these breeds? Simple, there's a breeder an hour south of me. And he has pups for sale... ;)

I thought this video was neat. The fellow is rather hard to understand due to his accent, but it does a good job showing the dogs in action. And I always love a professionally put together video. 


  1. Gorgeous dogs! His valley is beautiful...

  2. Ahhhhh!!!!! Get one!!
    I'm probably not helping.


  3. The dogs are nice, but I'll take the farmer!

  4. @ Domesteading: ROTFL!!!;D He does have a nice smile, doesn't he? ;)


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