Monday, June 25, 2012

Tickled Pink

I have a big ol' grin on my face right now as I just found that I was nominated for the Sunshine Blog Award by Domesteading! :)


After some Googling, I learned that the Sunshine Award goes to Bloggers who "Positively and creatively inspire others in the Blogosphere". [insert yet another grin]

Along with being nominated, an award nominee is required to do a few things:

1. Link the award to the person who gave it to you.
2. Answer questions about yourself.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award, link your nominees to this post, and  comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.

On with the questions!

1. Favorite Number? Hmm, to be honest my favorite number is 15. Don't know why, but it is. ;)
2. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Milk! And raw milk at that! I like both cow and goat pretty evenly, but I do drink goat milk much more often than cow.
3. Favorite Animal? A goat of course!! LOL!
4. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook I suppose... I don't have a twitter account!
5. My passion? Oooh... Raw milk, small farms, sustainability, local food systems, goats, and farming!
6. Favorite day of the week? I think Fridays, and it's for a very selfish reason: indoor chores are really light that day! Hehe.
7. Favorite flower? I honestly can't decide between lavender and sunflowers. I love them both equally!

My blog nominees who I've chosen to pass this fun award onto were HARD to pick, as I hate to leave anyone out, but here are my tops favorites (and note: they're in a random order, so placing has nothing to do with how much I like them):

1. Cold Antler Farm - If you haven't hopped over to CAF and "met" Jenna yet, you really should! She is awesome. :)
2. Polyface Henhouse - All the Polyface ladies are wonderful writers and the blog is a lovely blend of practical advice, beautiful pictures, and a taste of their live in Virginia.
3. Happily Married... To The Cows! - I love this blog and reading her adventures about living on a dairy farm!
4. Throwback at Trapper Creek - A fellow Oregonian, writer, farmer, and cow lover! We have yet to meet in person, but she has given me lots of advice via the computer about my cows.
5. The Thrifty Homesteader - The author of 'Homegrown and Homemade', Deborah has lots of good advice on there.
6. Homestead Revival - This is already a really popular blog and it's easy to see why. Great pictures, tons of excellent advice.
7. The Irresistible Fleet of Bicycles - The Greenhorns Blog. If ya' want to stay up to date on what's going on with small farmers, here's how.
8. Serenity in the Suburbs - This is a fun read and I always enjoy visiting it. :) Lori's son was also at Polyface back in January, but we missed each other by I think a week or two... Bummer.
9. Apifera Farm - Just love. ;) Katherine lives in my neck of the woods, and I keep telling myself that one of these days I'm going to hop over when a chance comes up so I can meet her donkeys and goats. Awesome pictures, awesome writing talent. Nice sheep too!
10. Rural Legacy - A sweet friend of mine who takes great pictures and just recently got her own herd of goats!

So there you have it! Thanks again, Domesteading for the wonderful surprise!


  1. Congratulations! And thank you for passing along the award! An honor to be in such great company!!

  2. Congratulations! Thanks for the honor!

  3. Woot! You deserved it, girl!. :)


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