Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Girl Dreams

Some girls dream of their own future home... They envision the curtains and the paint colors, the plates and the silverware; how they'll decorate, how they'll make it a home. 

This girl dreams of a dairy. Of concrete and stainless steel, of stark white walls and iron stanchions. A room, a facility, a place. I dream of how I want it to look; how I want it to be. With drains in the middle of sloping floors,   and windows facing South. Hot water at the ready, and the capability of milking 4--5 animals at a time. The thought of such a thing is enough to give this farm girl the shivers and a gleam in her eye. 

Lace curtains may come one day soon enough, but this girl mostly wants a dairy.


  1. Go for it, that's where fulfilling your dreams start- knowing what YOU want. It's great that you have a clear vision, many are stuck in the "this doens't feel right, now what do I do?" :)

  2. This girl, over here, dreams of a forest. Tall trees - maples, birches, oaks, hickories, beeches - berry brambles, clearings here and there with new growth abundant. Perhaps a trail to follow, to wander along a stream, up a mountainside, through a meadow...

    I already have a (small) family. Now I want to own property. You should be glad that you have a leg up toward your dream - you already have some beautiful creatures to care for, who give you creamy goodness of fresh milk!

    I haven't figured out how to aim for my goal yet. *mild frown* I don't even have any income, at the moment.....


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