Friday, July 6, 2012

I Am Cow. Hear Me Moo.

It always takes a new animal awhile to settle in and become comfortable with their new surroundings... Mattie has taken to walking the pasture and bellowing for her old bovine mates. It's kind of funny listening to her...


  1. You mentioned that Peaches loves her. What does she think of Peaches?
    Too cute!

  2. Ah, poor baby! Sounds like she's calling for her mom! Pretty girl :)

  3. Oukay, Mattie treats Peaches like a pesky fly! LOL. Poor Peaches doesn't seem to mind the head bunts and shoves though. She just keeps on making happy grunts and follows Mattie around still more. ;)

  4. Congratulations! She is so cute.
    Looking forward to hearing about your adventures with her.
    Heather in PA


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