Monday, August 6, 2012

The New Ladies

I have been up since 4AM this morning... Frankly, I can barely spell this sentence properly, I'm so tired.

And why the early awakening? Hehe, I had to be in Salem, OR by 7AM (one hour drive) to pick up my two new ladies!

Folks, please meet 'Shammy's Luke Trigun', and 'Too Much Bucks Dropsof Jupiter'.

There's a bit of a story behind these two...

Two years ago, a gorgeous black and white doeling, who was named Jupiter, was born to a breeder down South of me. As soon as I saw that kid from a picture, I wanted her. I inquired as to if I could buy her but the owner said 'no'. This doe, she said, was a keeper. A year later, I heard that the owner was putting some goats up for sale, so I once again asked: Would she sell Jupiter to me? Once again, I got a 'no'. 

Back in June, a fellow goat raiser alerted me that Jupiter had been posted for sale on the owner's website. I scrambled over there and sure enough, there was a price tag on that lovely lady. I shot an email off as fast as my fingers could type, but oh the horror! I was too late! There were three people lined up for her already. I hadn't the smallest hope of getting her...

Jupiter's owner offered me a substitute goat though: A lovely brown doe by the name of Trigun. I knew this doe well, and had used her son last year during breeding season. I took the owner up on her offer and mailed a deposit for Trigun; planning to pick her up in August.

All of July passed, and then August crept in. I was getting ready for Trigun to come when what do I see!?!? Jupiter had been posted on Craigslist!!! I emailed the owner and gasped out that I wanted her, but couldn't afford them both, and who knows what else I said. I had been waiting for two years for this goat; I wasn't going to let her slip past without a fight. Jupiter's owner was eager to see the pair stay together and gave me a huge price break. Hoof stomps and cow moos, I was getting Jupiter after all!!

Today was the grand day and I picked up my new girls this morning... They. Are. Lovely!

Both are already milking, which is really nice, and both are proving to be very mild tempered girls. Although, Jupiter is definitely a Nubian and has been voicing her opinions on the cow throughout the day... 

So that's been my day today! This now puts my herd number at 12 goats! I think I finally have a good number of does that I can *attempt* to "lock things down" and have a closed herd. Meaning no new does will be bought, but my herd will now have to grow purely from daughters and granddaughters. But, you know me; how could I resist buying just one more goat? Ha, we'll see. Closed herd indeed...

Goats... Where would we be without them? ;)


  1. Oh my goodness, congrats! They are both loveley ladies, but your pictures are GREAT!

  2. Very pretty girls!!! Congrats!!!

  3. Renee, Crazy About Goats in MissouriAugust 7, 2012 at 8:23 AM

    Mary Ann gave us 3 lovely llamas. She posted her congrats on your lovely girls and so do I! I see you are with the same interests as me. I cannot stop acquiring the needy and the goats of the world. Thanks to Mollys Herbals we are having great success with her products and I am glad to know there are others out there who believe in living with the natural world and living with love for animals and nature. Thanks for the great blog. Renee in Missouri

  4. What a colorful duo! I love how you love goats so much! (I wonder how that happened! LOL.) If I could raise one type of farm animal, it would definitely be goats! ;)

    ~Krista MV

  5. Your new goats are lovely and they appear to be full of personality!! Have fun!!

  6. Let's see the bag! How are they milking? Are they jumpy or kicky?

    I have one that looks just like Jupiter...with the addition of goat jewelry.

  7. Hi Caitlyn! Been on bloggy-break owing to wayyyy too much busy-ness of life, but stopped in to see how you're doing up and over in Oregon-land! Oh, your goats ARE, indeed, lovely! I'm going to pray for ALL of you tonight in my prayer-time, may God bless this sweet herd and the work that you are doing in clean farming!

    Bryan is still in NY, he's extended his internship through mid-November, so he can see and learn how to "button up" a pastured sheep operation for winter in areas that get deep, deep snows. He'll come home the Sunday before Thanksgiving. In the meantime, the Lord directed us to a really cool, 100+ years old farm for sale on 30 acres, which is plenty for what he wants to do. Because the house needs so much repair and work, the property is actually something we think we could afford...a MIRACLE! Would appreciate your prayers about it, we are looking into financing options, and IF something comes up positive and workable, we'll fly Bryan home for a quick weekend so he can spend the day there. Wisdom is needed for all of us!



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