Thursday, September 6, 2012

Apple Blossom

After just idly fiddling around with my beloved Strumstick for entirely too long now, I have now dusted it off, tuned it up and am getting down to business with this instrument. I'm getting serious with this little box of music, and by golly I'm determined to learn some old fashioned mountain music on it this Fall! 

First song? Apple Blossom. :) I've always liked this song and the Strumstick and I decided that it would be our first. Who knows, maybe after mastering some songs on this little whizbang, I'll buy a fiddle this winter...


  1. Is this like the greek stringed instrument or?

  2. Thank you for mentioning this! I've been wanting to learn fiddle, but now I'm going to get a strumstick. Thank you for mentioning this.

  3. You are welcome, Connie Jean! You will LOVE your Strumstick!!

    Nancy, it's a 100% American instrument! You can find more info on them at


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