Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Not A Bad Lookin' Heifer...

Peaches: picture taken on April 3rd, 2012. Four months old and 150 lbs.

Now fast forward 7 months.

Peaches: Picture taken on October 1st, 2012. Eleven months old and almost tipping the scale at 600 lbs.

I can't imagine this farm without my "Peach-cow". She has turned into the sweetest, goofiest, orneriest, bossiest, young cow a farm girl could ask for. She's the first to come running when you call, the first to escape when the electric fence is turned off, the last to be caught and put back when she goes on an adventure, and always the first in line for back scratches. She hangs out with Mattie and Summer all day long (it really is cute to see Summer, who is a 7 month old goat kid, pal around with the hulking cows) and moos at me from the pasture. Mattie has the classic cow moo, but peaches sounds like a dinosaur with a case of strep throat. I'm not sure who's voice I prefer, but you gotta' love Peaches for trying, right? ;)

If you're new here and aren't familiar with Peaches' story, you can read the entire adventure by clicking HERE!

P.S. I haven't started sprouting any more grain yet! I ended up needing to wait a few days before buying more trays, so I'm still chomping at the bit to get that going again... The Freedom Ranger chicks are ready for sprouts though!


  1. You've done a wonderful job of helping Peaches become what she was born to be. Good job!

    Where do you get your trays for sprouting your fodder? - thanks!

  2. She looks great! What a lucky cow to have such a good Mom :) Love her coloring...

  3. She looks wonderful! Great job getting her healthy and happy!


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