Saturday, November 10, 2012

Feeling Better

I found my hat. The injured chickens will live. I'm going to leave the Freedom Rangers in the tractor for one more night and see how they do. The cow cheered up. I took painkiller.

Next up, getting the pig pen ready!


  1. Way to bounce back!

  2. glad to hear that The Hat is back!!

  3. Wow, you sure did have a rough day. Sometimes these animals just don't want to cooperate at all. I'm sorry about the dead and injured chickens. I just finished butchering the last 12 of my 50 FR meat birds yesterday!!!! I will take a break and maybe get more in the spring. And use chicken tractors this time. I hope your back is better soon too.

  4. Do you have a regular coop for your chickens? Glad you're better...


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