Sunday, November 18, 2012

I am SO trying this next spring!

How cool is this!? I found directions on how to make your own top bar beehive out of half a rain barrel ( AKA, a 55 gallon drum), and scrap wood! I absolutely adore bees and have been wanting hives of my own for I don't even know how many years... I've seen both the traditional hives in action (known as "langstroth" hives), as well as the not-as-common "Warre" hives, and the other top-bar style known as the "honey cow" (which is what this rain barrel masterpiece is also known as). I personally like the top bar hives over the langstroth hives. But personal opinions aside, this rain barrel hive looks way too cool not to try when March swings around and my local bee keepers have a few pounds of bees to sell me. 

You can find the directions for this honey cow by clicking HERE!


  1. Cool design! Been tryign to convince my hubby for years, but on a city lot he's wary of liability issues...

  2. This is brilliant! Maybe I'll try it too, next spring.


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