Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mike and Sausage

The pigs have landed. 

Please meet Mike and Sausage, the Tamworth pigs.

It hasn't even been 48 hours with these pigs and already I've learned what heart-stopping fun these guys can be. Getting them unloaded from our truck and into their pen turned into a rousing adventure when Sausage escaped and was soon followed by Mike. We humans had a wild chase on our hands! I thought I was going to lose my pigs; oh it was bad... Quick! They're headed for the road! No, run the other way! Dive, dive! Watch his teeth!! After much frustration, we finally figured out how to not only out-wit a pig, but how to best handle one. I learn something new every day.

But once the "boys" were settled in their new digs, life calmed down. Mike is a sweet tempered, although cautious, fellow. Sausage is a firebrand who knows how to use his wicked sharp teeth. When it was first announced that I was getting pigs, my three year old and five year old brothers pleaded for the privilege of naming the two porkers. I was fine with that and grinned at their name choices. Although the three year old is thinking that he would rather change Sausage's name to Ice Cream. We're still debating that.

This morning I peeked into the pig pen and saw no trace of my pigs. Poof. Gone. As though they had sprouted wings and flown away, there was no clue of their whereabouts. Unless you knew what to look for... I stared hard at a far corner of the pen, where the hay was piled two feet high. If you looked very, very closely you could see the hay gently rising and falling. Pulling the hay back, I saw the two chubby bodies of snoring pigs. When they wake up, they smack their lips and stretch like cats, before they start wagging their tails and looking for food. It makes me smile just thinking about it. :)

I got a quick video of the boys this afternoon, enjoying the afternoon sunshine in their pen. These boys are fun, let me tell you. I like pigs.

1 comment:

  1. Aaww!! I love piggies!! They are almost too cute to eat. :P But then again, I like bacon too much. :lol:

    ~Krista M.V.


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