Monday, November 26, 2012

New Crop

I've had an idea fermenting away in my head for about a year now, and as of last week I decided to finally take the plunge and see if this idea was solid or not.

But I'm going to be mean and not tell y'all any specifics just yet. Yes, I'm mean; what else is new? ;)

But here are a few pictures of my new, mystery crop. Any guesses as to what it is and what it will be used for? (Hannah C., you can't guess! I think I already told you!!)


  1. I have no idea. Random guess...clover? Micro sprouts... Tell me!!!

  2. Aw, no fair!!

    I know the answer, I know the answer! lol

  3. alfalfa sprouts? for fodder?

  4. Looks familiar...maybe alfalfa? lettuce?

  5. Upon closer inspection, those sprouts look like something within the brassica family. hmmm... If I may have another guess, I would say: Kale!

  6. Tee hee, this is so fun!! ;)Nope, it's not fodder, and it's not anything for animal consumption. It's also not a full grown crop either. It still has a week to go before it's ready...

    Devon, you're close in guessing what it is! It's in the brassica family, but not kale!

  7. How about arugula, for supplemental greens in the winter (for the human folk)? Something that keeps throwing me off is that purplish-tinge to the a select few leaves. Maybe it's because of the growing-medium..?

  8. Nope! Not arugula! And the purple tinge is natural!

  9. Broccoli? Red/purple Cabbage? If not, I will have to concede and admit defeat. However, you have now got me thinking about pre-starting a few things early. This year I hope to try growing artichokes again. Thank you for the motivation.


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