Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Bowed Psaltery

 It turned out that I had more free time on my hands today than I had thought I would, so I decided to be brave and record some songs of my bowed psaltery for y'all.
But first, a disclaimer. I am no professional at this. I've only been playing this instrument for a few months now, and my "beginner-ness" shows. There are mistakes in each video, but there's also something akin to a tune, so that's good, right? ;)

This first video has a bit of humor for me... The whole time I was playing, I was looking out the window instead of focusing on my playing. Our dog, and three of our hens were on the road outside and I was fervently hoping that they would all get back onto the property so that I wouldn't have to stop the recording and yell out the window at them. Thankfully all four animals got back where they belonged, but I was left with a not-so-great recording of Just As I Am. But I didn't want to re-do the whole thing, so you get to hear it with all its dog-caused mistakes.


  1. Nikki n_foley@yahoo.comDecember 12, 2012 at 9:26 PM

    Hi! I've been following your blog for around two months, after reading an article you had written n Mother Earth News online that linked over here. I got my first flock of egg laying chickens this past spring, and plan to get my first batch of meaties this coming spring. I was following your broiler experiment, but never saw a final conclusion? Maybe I missed it...
    I'm currently debating between CX chicks and the Freedom Rangers you raised - so that's one thing I'm interested in. And how well you liked/disliked them compared to CX (I think you said you had raised them in the past?) I'm currently feeding my layers fermented feed, and intend to raise my batch if meaties in it as well.
    Anyways, just hoping for an update :) I really enjoy your blog! The pig stories make me laugh sometimes, although I've chased escaped pigs before too, so I feel for you!

  2. I know how hard it is to learn an instrument. I especially liked your last piece, it makes me think of an old stone church in a misty glen, surrounded by the mountains of Scotland. At the moment I am attempting the Irish Whistle, low D. Tis hard and I am stupid.
    What instruments usually accompany the Bowed Psaltery?

  3. Nikki, welcome! I have the final update on the Freedom Rangers coming soon!

    Tasha, other instruments heard with the psaltery are usually things like the penny whistle, mandolin, harp, guitar, uilleann pipes, and celtic fiddle. :)

  4. Thanks!! Looking forward to it!


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