Thursday, January 3, 2013

So Starts the Day

My morning started with hauling six dead chickens out of the barn/coop. The temps dropped to somewhere around the high 20's last night and I guess some of the birds just couldn't take it. Two of them were Red Star layer pullets, and four of them were my Freedom Rangers. Phooey. 


  1. Extra heat when they're young is sometimes a good idea, if they're not feathered out and hardy. That's cold...

  2. Yeah, but the weird part is that they were all completely feathered; so I can't figure out why they froze. The pullets are 6 months old, and just about to start laying. The freedom rangers are also well feathered.

  3. It's been below zero here for the last few days, -20 with windchill. Every morning I go out dreading what I might find, but they're all doing great. And somehow I'm still getting a dozen eggs a day out of my 22 hens! I've had some freeze in the past, they were always the ones at the bottom of the pecking order, and not allowed to roost with the others.


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