Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today, One Year Ago

Today, at this exact time (4pm Oregon time; 7pm East Coast time), one year ago I was pulling into Polyface Farms for my internship interview with the Salatin family. 

I was exhausted from an all-day plane trip through stormy weather (8 hours of turbulence is never fun), I was alone, I knew no one, and I was wondering what on earth I had just gotten myself into as I found myself in Swoope, VA. But I was also determined to learn while I was here, to do my best, and to enjoy myself.

The following days were action packed and memory filled. The Salatins are amazing people and I miss them more than I can say. Joel taught me to use the saw mill, Daniel taught me how to care for the cows in the winter. Grandma Salatin shared story after story, and Missy and Sheri made the most amazing food I've ever had.

I have mixed feelings as I think about where I was today last year. I've spent my day reading 'You Can Farm', and looking at available internships across the nation. Polyface Farms changed me. I am a different person for what happened there. And so today I just wanted to make a little note of what happened today one year ago... I had the adventure of my life.

You can read about all my Polyface adventures by clicking HERE!


  1. It is amazing how much we can all learn from each other.

  2. Sorry this is going to be off topic.
    You should get some bees. Then you can deal with all the difficult learning curves so that when I get bees I can just ask you. haha! Brilliant! If I may say so. =)

    I don't want to rush you or anything...but do you think you could do a post on your layout and how you do your grazing? You could just do it in pics if you wanted. I'm trying to figger out how to rotationally graze goats without having to use electric netting.



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