Friday, February 22, 2013

It Is Finished

Mattie died this morning.

She looked okay when I went out to milk her... She was back to breathing heavily, and through her mouth, but I hoped that with another dose of garlic and some time, she would perk back up just like she did yesterday.

She didn't.

An hour after I milked her, I found her dead.

Few things make me cry; but while cradling the head of my beloved cow, I bawled. Heart wrenching, painful sobs wracked my whole body, and I could do absolutely nothing to stop myself.

I loved you so much, Mattie dear... We both fought this battle with all we had. :( 


  1. I'm praying for you Caitlyn. That is so very hard. I think I'm going to cry, oh I know how hard that is.

  2. I'm sorry to hear this.

  3. I don't know how I came upon your blog but I'm glad that I did. I am so sorry to hear about your Mattie. These crazy goats really capture our hearts. My own heart goes out to you because I have felt the agony of losing a beloved pet. Peace~


  4. Oh my, I was thinking about my goat when I was writing - and cows capture our hearts as well. I'm so sorry for your loss ~ Peace

  5. I'm so sorry sweatheart. Mattie had the best life she could have ever asked for with you.

  6. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Animals steal our hearts and take them with us when they go.

  7. Ohhhh, I am soooo sorry!!! {{{hugs}}} I will cry with you now... ;(

  8. I have to say I feel as if I knew you and Mattie, reading about you and your struggle to get her well and over this hump. I am crying with you. I'm so sorry to come here and read this, after all you have done. You have been the best you could be for Mattie, for so long. You deserve a big long cry. I am sending some hugs and some good thoughts your way. You did all you could do for Mattie, just remember that. You're a good person and a great farmer.

  9. SO sorry and SOOOOOO sad to hear this news. I've been following your blog and Facebook all week and was really pulling for you! To everything there is a season... And a reason. I'm not sure what this one is, but I imagine time will tell. ****hugs****

  10. Oh Lord....after so much turmoil to have it end this way.....bring this woman some peace and much pleasure ahead.

  11. I'm so sorry for your pain, but in the midst of sorrow, there's still the gift that you loved another creature enough to feel such pain at her loss. How awful it would be to depart this mortal coil never having loved and inevitably lost.

    RIP, sweet cow. And prayers and warm energy to you, Caitlyn.

  12. Very sorry to read this..

  13. Like others I have been following your blog for a while. I am so very sorry this happened.......

  14. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear...
    My heart breaks for you. I would bawl like a baby too! :o(

    Your in my prayers!

    God bless you and your farm!



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