Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sudden Distraction

The little goat kid died early this morning.

She got some fluid in her lungs sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday; when exactly it happened, I know not. Had she been a full term kid, this wouldn't have been a problem; it was such a small amount of liquid in there... But her little premature lungs couldn't take the stress. She gave up. 

She was looking really good on Wednesday morning, trying to stand up on her wobbly legs (failing miserably though; bless her heart), nickering loudly when she heard my voice, and all around being a cheerful little being in the house as she sat in her cardboard box near the wood stove. 

I'm not hugely surprised that she didn't make it; I have yet to find any records of such a premature kid surviving. But I am still dissapointed that I lost her. She never got a "barn name", but she did at least have a "registration name" for the time she was here. I called her 'Sudden Distraction'. It fit her.

Distractions are rarely a permanent thing in life; they catch our attention for a brief time before things settle back down to what they were. Such as this case. She came at a time when I really needed something else on my mind; I guess now it's time to move on and get back to where I was. 

Sudden Distraction came and went... I'm going to miss her presence in the house.


  1. Sudden Distraction is a very good name. I'm glad you're not hurting as much.
    Thank you for blogging, =)

  2. Damn, that stinks. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad you can move on, and I look forward to what you will do next.

  3. I'm so sorry, but she had a blessed short life...

  4. Ah, so sad. You have had a lot of loss lately. {{{hugs}}}

  5. Sorry for your loss... I just went through the exact thing with one of my preemies. It's so hard.

  6. Oh I am so sorry. Even if she was meant to only be with you a short while, it still hurts. Beth

  7. my thoughts are the same as Linda' have had so much loss recently. Working with the farmers who provide food to The Wild Ramp I know this kind of happens. In the space of a month one of our farmers lost a cow, a new litter of 6 pig and then her high tunnel crops. Ten of us showed up to help her build more raised beds and row covers and then replant. That restored her energy. We need our farmers. HUGS


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