Monday, February 18, 2013

The Calf Is Coming

Mattie's condition quickly grew worse within a few hours of my finding her this morning. You can hear the fluid in her lungs even while standing at the other end of the barn. I called the vet immediately and he prescribed some more banamine, and a really strong drug that should finish the pneumonia off. Should. There's just one catch to this antibiotic though: It will induce labor in Mattie. Since she is only 3 days away from her due date, the vet felt okay with giving it to her.

Folks, the calf is coming. It should be on the ground by tomorrow, if all goes according to plan.

I feel sick to my stomach about all this.


  1. {{Hugs}}
    Be strong. I'm hoping everything will turn out fine.

  2. Sending some good energy to her...

  3. Hoping all goes well and you have some happy news and cute baby pics in the morning, we're all thinking of you tonight.

  4. I have no idea how much you would need to give a cow (I take 2 Tblspn every 4 hours when I'm sick) but Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother in it) is really potent stuff for helping clear fluids from the lungs. It thins the mucus which helps the person (or animal) expel it better. And because the mucus is thinned, it doesn't get into the lungs as easily. If she is drinking water you might just try adding a cup to her water. It's also a powerful anti-bacterial that will help the meds she's already taking. Praying for sweet Mattie and her calf!

  5. prayers that all goes well, the calf is healthy and Mattie improves

  6. Oh my goodness, I am so hoping for Mattie to get better quick. Poor girl. And having to give birth to a calf during all this. I am sending good thoughts and lots of energy your way. You and her both will need it.

  7. Anon's suggestion is a good one for you and the animals


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