Sunday, February 24, 2013

We Made It Through The Night

I was up every hour, feeding this little girlie; now I'm seeing a nap in my near future.

So far she seems to be doing well; eating regularly (as you may notice by her milk mustache she's sporting!), and trying to move around. I'm rather enjoying her company. :)

It's been interesting to see her color change, as she's dried off... Her spots have faded into more subtle shades that blend into her coat. But she does have the cutest spots above each eye! 


  1. Such a precious little girl. Hope you both get some rest.

  2. Squee, babies! Please don't name her anything shiny and hopeful. This one needs a tough name. Best of luck, girly.

  3. She's beautiful. I wish you both luck.

  4. You probably don't want to name her until she gets a lot stronger but...

    I vote for the name Penny. Dear Abby often posts stories about how shortly after losing a loved one, some people find pennies with significant years on them like anniversaries or birthdays. Or they find pennies in special places that they shared with the person. Anyway, it's not about the fact they find a penny it's about how they felt that god was giving them a gift and a reminder of good things in life when they felt they had too much to carry. You should look up some up the stories, she usually calls them 'penny from heaven' stories. I think that this little doe is your 'Penny from Heaven'

  5. She's is beautiful! Please keep us posted. I love her milk-stache :)

  6. You have had such challenges the past week or so....I have to believe things are going to ease up for you now....all love and joy!

  7. So happy here, little girl pulled thru! How about Rosie, for Rosie the riveter. A tough little girl...


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