Monday, March 25, 2013

His Name Is Tank

Tank. A fourteen week old, male, purebred Great Pyrenees pup from strong working lines. 

I went and met this fluffy boy today, and had a blast getting to play with a puppy. :) Is he mine now? No. Will he be? Maybe... Just maybe. I know I should give y'all a detailed fill-in about my morning spent at a farm that has one thousand ducks all on pasture, and I'm itching to introduce you to Tank a bit more... But not right now. I'm tired. It was a looooong drive to the farm, and a looooooong drive home. I'm bushed, but I need to get outside to do afternoon barn chores, and get ready for someone coming to look at a pair of goats I put up for sale. After that, I await the arrival of my brother and SIL who are coming for a visit, and are bringing along their lab puppy whose name is, of all things, Tank. ;) 

So I'll just leave y'all with this teaser for now. I'm looking at getting a LGD pup for the place. I hope it will be Tank, the Great Pyr, but I don't know if it will be or not yet. I'll keep you posted though.


  1. A few weeks ago you were very stressed out about money from all the vet bills, yet now you seem to have money to buy several cows, fix up barns/fencing, and look into puppies? Did you get a job/loan/other good news that you didn't share with us?

  2. LOL. NO, no job/loan or anything like that. The Lord's been good; that's all. :) I sold the heifer to buy a new cow; I sold two goats to pay for fencing, I'm teaching lessons to buy hay and other necessities, and the puppy is on a possible barter deal. This is just what I do... Even when money is tight, I just keep trucking along with plans; knowing that somehow it will all work out. Faith, you might call it.

  3. I can't believe you drove that far and came home empty handed! He is too cute! I vote go get him and a few ducks so you can teach us all about pastured ducks - I would love that!

  4. Joel talks about how male LGD's guard poultry and the females only have a 20% success rate of bonding with poultry. Not sure if that is specific to the cross bred of dogs that he has. Interesting though . . . have you come across this in your LGD research?

    LGD data starts at 14:57 in this Salatin video:


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