Monday, May 6, 2013

He Is Perfect

Gyp is home. And I am in love with him. I'd seen pictures of him, heard stories of him, watched video footage of him, but today was the day when I finally got to meet my working partner. 

And he is perfect. :)

He's a fluffy lovebug who has the cutest smile and most adorable manner. He sat in my lap the whole way home from the airport, which is a 1.5 hour drive, and he did excellently. He simply leeeeeeaned into my chest, and quietly sat against me; smiling at everything and not even blinking at the roaring semi trucks that passed us on the highway. 

I've got my working partner now. :) And this is just the beginning of the story...


  1. I love him!! He is so regal! Congratulations!!

  2. What a perfect puppy!! He's even cuter than I thought he'd be.

  3. Gorgeous boy! Buy lots of chew toys!

  4. How exciting! He's a cutie! I'm so happy for you!


  5. He is adorable, but then again, puppies are easy to love...the thing that comes through is the look in his eyes...he's taking it all in. Looks like he may be an imp, but he should be easy to train....he knows you love him and you are his of love!!


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