Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Here We Go

I think I might need to go on another run to clear my head... Oy vey, this has been a crazy day. 

First off, my new milk cow is coming on Monday, around 5pm! :) I'm definitely excited to get her, and to get back into the milking groove! The timing is also perfect, since the grass up on the 98 acres is at the perfect stage for grazing a dairy cow; thick, green, lush, and 8" tall. Perfect. I've been madly trying to find a hauler to bring her down, since I still lack a trailer of my own right now, and I'm happy to say that someone offered to bring her down for me for the bargain price of $50! I  had called Hertz Equipment Rental and they told me I could rent a 2-horse trailer for $137 for one single day. -_- Uh - thank you sir, but I'll keep looking...

There's also the floating idea of going tomorrow to look at those two Jersey cows that the seller wants to trade for a pair of my goats. I wouldn't mind taking a look at them and sizing them up. Goodness knows I have the grass for them! I'm already thinking I'll need to invest in a scythe in the next couple of weeks to cut the pastures that I don't want to go to seed. Even with three cows and stockpiling some of the far pastures, I'm still going to have to cut a few areas to keep them from growing more than I want them to. Such as around the cow barn.

My hesitance in going to see the cows tomorrow has nothing to do with being on the fence about the cows themselves, but rather if I can fit the trip into my day. You see, I have appointments with three different upscale restaurants tomorrow. I'm taking samples of my microgreens to the chefs! I'm excited and nervous at the same time! Calling the restaurants to set up the appointments was probably one of the most nerve wracking things I've done... Yes, the chefs are human, and yes I have a really neat product, but there's still a feeling of nervousness in calling them up... Perhaps it's a fear of rejection, I don't know, but it took some serious mental preparation before calling! And then in the end it was no problem. LOL. One of the chefs was especially excited to hear that I have microgreens, so hopefully that's a good sign. I'll be taking my spicy mix, my mild mix, some radish micros, and possibly some peas... Still going back and forth on the peas. :-/ I guess it depends on how many sample containers I have! 

So yep, here I am. It's been a whirlwind of phone calls today about cows and microgreens, and I'm feeling fuzzy headed. A run sounds good, but now that I think about it, I need to go mix some more soil for the micros, and then harvest a couple more trays for tomorrow...

The run can wait. Here we go! Cows and microgreens ahoy!


  1. Best of luck tomorrow! 3 milk cows will certainly help satisfy you milk share customers!

  2. You probably will find that the chefs are all super excited about what you offer. Unless you can supply all 3 make sure to select one that seems to have a restaurant that has a steady that people go to and the dining room is full most nights. Let him know what YOUR reasonable delivery schedule will be. He may want more, more often but he can adjust to a steady supply at the rate you can provide it. In the work I've been doing in WV with local foods I have gotten to know quite a few chefs and restaurant owners very well. They're biggest complaint is just let your chefs know your ability and it WILL work!!

  3. That is super! I find the idea of calling to offer services a bit daunting as well. Seems you did very well!

    Excited to hear about your new cow too!


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