Monday, May 20, 2013

How Now Brown Cow?

She's here! After months of searching, I finally have another cow!!

And I think she will do quite well here. :) She is a total sweetheart, just like Mattie was...

She's about the same height as Mattie was, but much smaller in stature, so she looks like a tiny little girlie.

And yep, she's scruffy and in need of a few pounds. ;) Give me two weeks with all the kelp meal and alfalfa she wants and we'll have ourselves a slick, heavier lady before us.

I spent my morning cleaning out the milking stall from top to bottom (you should have seen me mopping the rubber floor with all that soap! I accidentally used too much!), and I am so excited for tonight's first milking. I'm not expecting anything perfect since this is her first day and she has no clue of routine, but I'm excited for all that milk again. And I've got a few plans up my sleeve to see if I can't start drinking that milk! (if you're new here, I seem to be lactose intolerant and have a hard time drinking anything other than goat milk; but I'm a determined soul who loves cow milk.)

She unloaded from the trailer like she's been doing it from day #1 and has since then been walking the perimeter of the pasture, mooing softly. And I have to say that I love her moo. It's quiet and pleasant to listen to, in comparison to Peaches' moo which sounded like a dinosaur from Jurassic Park. *shudder*

So yep, I got myself a cow again. :) And I couldn't be more pleased with her! 

The goats however, are not amused...


  1. So happy for you!!!

  2. Love the new cow, can't wait to see her after a few weeks of good pasture and alfalfa! Does she have a name? Maybe I missed it....

    Goat Wrangler

  3. So happy for you! I'm still looking for one :)

  4. She's a lovely girl. I'm so happy you found another cow to replace the one you lost. I'm lactose intolerant too but can drink raw cow's milk, so try it. Like they say, where there's a will, there's a way. :) Audrey

  5. Audrey, I seem to be intolerant of A2/A2 raw milk... I can handle pasteurized milk just fine, and I think this new cow is either A1/A1, or A1/A2; either way, I've been able to handle her raw milk just fine! :)


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