Sunday, May 12, 2013

I Hope I Never Leave

We had an unusual heat wave roll through the Willamette for a couple weeks; a few brave farmers got an early hay crop in, folks were planting gardens, and everyone was in awe of the 80 degree weather and the few days that were even on the humid side. This was weather we normally didn't see until July/August around here.

And then today the heat wave broke... Temps dropped down to the 60's, and it finally rained.

The scent of petrichor and roses hung in the air like an invisible veil, and I gloried in the gentle raindrops that fell on my bare arms, bare head, bare feet. I did barn chores unshod; milking Jupiter while listening to raindrops gently tapping a staccato rhythm on the metal roof. Enjoying not wearing any muck boots, and not needing to. 

I love Oregon. I hope I never leave this state. Ever. Yes, it is damp here. Yes, it is cool. Yes, it is hard to raise goats here. But I love it. I love the shockingly vibrant shades of perpetual green. Love the high mountains that surround me at every single turn, like a secure battlement. Love the lush beauty that is here almost year around.

And most of all, I love that smell of the rain. If there is one thing that keeps me rooted to Oregon, it is that scent of petrichor... 

I hope I never leave this state.


  1. Moving finally to the Willamette Valley at the end of this summer!! Hurray! Can;t wait to meet you!

  2. Oregon is beautiful! I wish I could move back...

  3. I so agree, Caitie. :) When we first moved here I couldn't stand the rain but now I absolutely love it.


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