Friday, May 3, 2013

In The Mail Today!

Gyp's registration application came in the mail today! :) You may notice that it's via the UKC instead of the AKC... English Shepherds are too rare of a breed yet to be recognized by that larger and well known organization. 

Getting that little piece of paper in the mail made me smile in excitement, because you know what?

There's only two days to go until my pup comes. :)


  1. I bet he's soooo cute!! I can't wait to see him :) You must be so excited.

  2. Oh boy! Pictures please when you can. Are you working with a trainer or?

  3. Actually, English Shepherds can't be registered AKC because they don't have a physically consistent breed standard. The emphasis is on working ability, not looks. AKC focuses on evaluation of appearances only.

  4. Nancy, of course I'll share pictures! ^_^ I'll probably have to keep myself from doing a pic overload. LOL. Once Gyp is old enough to start working stock (which is anywhere from 6 to 10 months; depending on when his instincts kick in), then I'll start taking him to a professional trainer for herding lessons. But other than that, I'll be the main trainer. :)

    Anon, why does the AKC allow the border collie in then!? That breed is just like the ES in variations of looks. Smooth coats, rough coats, flat coats, long tails, bob tails, prick ears, flop ears, 30 lb. dogs to 65 lb. dogs, varying eye color... I don't get it. I was told that the ES numbers (or lack thereof) didn't allow it to be registered with the AKC.

  5. There aren't as many variations permitted as you would think: for instance, the tail variations are not acceptable. There are also only smooth and rough coats allowed, and they must fall within a certain height and weight range. It's all very controlled to get the AKC status for your dog. The border collie became popular as a household pet, and that is what led to it's breed standard being developed. The English is still used as a working dog, and so it mostly matters whether or not the dog has the drive to perform.


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