Sunday, September 8, 2013

Impulse Buy

I had a small gift card for (one of my most favorite websites!!), and at first I figured I would spend it like I usually do: Buying a new book. 

Then I saw something else and on an impulse, bought it right then and there.

It was this:

It's a dog tag, with the confederate flag etched on the front of it. I like dog tags, and I definitely like anything with the Rebel flag on it; so buying this little gem was a no-brainer!
There were two options, either a dog tag in color (the ol' red, white, blue coloring), or black and silver. I chose the classier looking black/silver for my first one, since I can wear it with absolutely anything and it looks awesome. ;) The colored one is next.

Yankee I am not. And this impulse buy seemed like a great way to show my Southern Pride.
Long live the South!!


  1. Nice! I'm from Africa but when I learned about American history, even though I now live in the North, I back the South all the way.

  2. Even this Yankee thinks that necklace is pretty cool. ;)


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