Friday, October 18, 2013

'You Can Farm' E-School

Verge Permaculture is hosting an amazing e-school taught exclusively by Joel Salatin! Looks like there's going to be three workshops to attend (hm, hm... I want them all!); each one focusing on one of his book topics: You Can Farm (starting and succeeding in farming), Pastured Poultry Profits (raising broilers), and Salad Bar Beef (plus pigaerator pork).

  Verge is giving thirty minutes of one of the lessons for free up until Sunday the 20th; so hurry up and watch it before it's too late!! I enjoyed it, as I always do enjoy Joel's stuff.

 So if you've got some birthday money sitting in your pocket, it looks like Joel's e-school might be a good way to spend it. ;)

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