Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Let's Pretend It's Monday

 I didn't forget the Q&A Monday. Honest, I didn't! But we ran into some glitches along the way. To put it bluntly, Youtube ate my video. Yes, dear reader, this is my latest awful plan. The Caitlyn (meaning me) has gone live. I look like a dork... But here it is, nevertheless!! It's really low quality this week, and I apologize. Since Youtube obliterated my original clip, I had to cave and run this through My Movie Maker. Blah. So bear with me folks. Its got mistakes, its got hiccups, and its got me. This is a recipe for disaster. Or a really good laugh... Not sure which is worse. ;)

  Now, the book I mentioned in the video is called Microgreens: A guide to growing nutrient packed greens. Clicking those highlighted words will take you to the Amazon link of said book. If you're thinking about trying micros out, I DEFINITELY recommend buying a copy of this!

 I did also want to give a quick link to Johnny's Selected Seeds. So here's that. You're welcome. ;)

  And that's that! I'm already regretting this video of myself, but that's just the introvert in me... I need to get over this. Oh, and hopefully each subsequent video will be a little better in quality. This one's pretty pathetic.
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  1. Caitlyn, you're impossibly cute. :)Loved this!

  2. Good job! Way to brave the tough stuff. randy

  3. I found you very engaging. Good video.
    *puts on non-Caitlyn-terrifying-costume*

    Ps. Like your shirt.

  4. Thanks guys. :)

    (MedievalMaiden, I like my shirt too! ^_^ I'm partial to plaid button-ups that have rolled up sleeves. LOL.)

  5. Just as I suspected: YOU'RE DARN CUTE! If only I were a few years younger...


  6. ^I think that is quite possibly the funniest/cutest comment I have ever gotten on this blog. LOL! :)

  7. I LOVE this new blog video format! You have no idea how great it would be to have a video of some of the things you teach us too, your animals and of places you go like your next destination Missouri even if just as a back drop. Looking forward to your next video ~ Kari

  8. What a fun way to answer! I love the video! You did a great job explaining :-) I learned something!

  9. Lol, this is great! I really do like it :)


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