Sunday, November 10, 2013

We Have A Winner!!

Ladies! Today's the day that we pick a winner for the Cowgirl Dirt makeup!! 

I have to be honest here and admit that I was originally thinking about drawing a winner this morning, and then keeping y'all in suspense until this afternoon... *cough, cough* Yeah, I was feeling ornery. So nice of me, huh? But you were in luck, seeing as I ran out of time to do such an evil thing before I had to zoom off to church. So I only just now found out who the lucky lady is!

Aaaaaand the winner iiiiiiiiiiiissssss....


Rebekah, you posted as "Anonymous" (but signed your name) and said you were thinking you would probably want some lip gloss! Congratulations on the win! Eeek! If you don't mind emailing me HERE and telling me what exactly you would like your prize to be, and then sharing your mailing address, I'll have Cowgirl Dirt send you your lovely prize directly! And if you want to take one more look at your choices, lip gloss can be found HERE, and eye shadow can be found HERE!

And to all you other ladies who didn't win, I'm sorry. :( Shucks, I wish I could shout "Surprise! Everyone gets something!" buuuuuut my bank account might not appreciate that. There's still hope though; you could always splurge a bit and buy something fun from Cowgirl Dirt. :) 
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