Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pinterest Link Up! Week #9!

Woohoo! We're back to doing Pinterest Link Ups!! Score! :)

Here you go folks; this is what I found this week!

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1. The Great Home Dairy Roundup (20 posts to get you milking). {Courtesy of The Prairie Homestead}

2. 16 Ways To Use Whey. {Courtesy of The Prairie Homestead}

3. Burts Bees Lip Balm Recipe! {Courtesy of Happy Money Saver}

4. How To Dry Herbs. {Courtesy of Happy Money Saver}

5. Educating The Harness Goat (book). {Found via SG Halters} (note: I don't have this book, but I think it looks great! When I get back into goats, I will definitely have to try this one out!)

6. Building a Chicken Nipple Bucket Watering System. {Courtesy of Happy Money Saver}


  1. Write something already!!! Are you ok?

  2. Am I missing something? No posts since 11 JAN? We're really starting to worry! Please let us know you're OK. Prayers being offered, just in case.

    CJ - your not-so-secret admirer in FLA

  3. Hoping everything is ok! Miss your posts

  4. Does anybody know what's going on? I'm truly concerned.


  5. Our Goat Nabisco wants you to watch his videos!


Psst! I LOVE comments!