Sunday, November 22, 2015

Two Does!

   I am pleased to report that The Man shot two lovely does last night!! There will be venison in the freezer, folks! I know a lot of people (my husband and I do not exclude ourselves entirely from this) like to get those huge bucks since they make awesome trophies on the wall, but when it comes to dinner... You really can't beat those does. 

 How's everyone else faring this deer season?


  1. No luck so far. Not seeing many deer at all in our part of Missouri.

  2. Aw, I'm sorry Tina. :( I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! There's still a few more days before the season ends!

  3. We don't hunt (yet), but my neighbor does, and he wants to trade some elk steak for some of our chicken. SCORE! :D

  4. Now THAT'S A DEAL!! Elk steak for chicken!? Consider me jealous!


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