Saturday, June 4, 2011

Duckling Update

I really, truly, honestly didn't forget to update y'all on our duckling hatch! But with this lovely weather, I've been outside in the garden when not in the barn, or at a goat show! :-/

So without further ado...

We ended up with two teeny, tiny ducklings!

Bad picture, sorry. :-/  There was a total of 6 eggs in the incubator, but two died at three weeks into the incubation, and then the other two died after pipping (cracking) the eggshell. :( 

But I at least got these two, so I'm happy. 


  1. I am so excited for you!!! The kids are too.

    I think it is a blessing you had two. What would have happened if only one made it? What a blessing not to worry about that.

    I thought it odd though that it all went in pairs. Two gone bad at 3 wks, two at pipping, and two now in the brooder. : )


    Have a great day!

  2. I am so happy to see them, thanks!


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