Saturday, June 4, 2011

Goat Show!

[sigh] T'was a good day... :)

Today we braved the hot weather (a high of 83 degrees! Score!) and went to the goat show!

I thought I had died and gone to heaven... 

Admittedly, it was a smaller show. Maybe somewhere between 50 and 70 goats? But I still really enjoyed getting to see all the goats, getting to talk with goat people, and seeing what sort of competition I'll be up against next year.

What a sweet face on this Nigerian gal!

Some ladies patiently waiting at the ringside...

I love this gal's aristocratic head! What a face! 

Aaaaaand yes, there were a LOT of impressive udders there. 

  There were a lot of seriously nice Nubian does there; competition will be fierce next year! However, after studying the senior does that were in the ring, I think Penny could beat 'em. Maybe I'm just biased though... With luck, Penny will be in the ring next year so we'll see how she measures up!

And - um-- there's one more thing...

I was bad today...

But I'm also a little pleased with myself....

I came home with a new goat kid on my lap!! 

Please meet: 'Firelight's Poppet'....

A 7 week old, blue-eyed, Nigerian Dwarf doeling. 

This wasn't a impulse buy either! Please be proud of me! ;) I had been e-mailing with Poppet's owner for a few weeks now, and since she was going to be at the show anyway, she brought Poppet for me. :) 

 I have been looking at getting a Nigie for a little over a year now, but could never find one that I liked, that was in my price range, and was near me. So Poppet was pretty much perfect.

It's amazing just how tiny she is! She's older than all of my Nubian kids and still only half their size. I think she's around 13 inches tall? Pretty close to that. Even our chickens are bigger than her! The goats all accepted her into the herd relatively well, which was nice. Heidi loves her, Ivy detests her, Penny's afraid of her and Capri ignores her; so somehow it all works out! ;) 

Love my goats...


  1. Uh huh. So YOU go off to a goat show and get to look at all kinds of really neat goats while *I* have to work all day. *pouty look*. No fair. Even no more fair that you got to enjoy yourself looking at all kinds of really neat goats while I have to deal with broken mowers and so much work to do that I don't get home until 10 PM.
    Nope, that don't seem fair to me, Goat Song!
    *chews on piece of grass and pushes straw hat back to stratch head meditatively*

  2. I dunno... Dealing with broken mowers sounds way more fun than spending an afternoon with a bunch of goats... ;)Look at it this way, I had fun for you, since you couldn't be there. :)

    ~Goat Song

  3. oh thank you so much for having fun for me, i really appreciate it .....:/ ummm, not really....:)
    since your so eager to repair mowers, howabout next time I have something go wrong, you come over and fix it and i'll go to the goat show.

  4. How fun!! And exciting to bring Poppet home.

    Where was the show? I would have loved to go and dream.


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