Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Big Day

A group of ten, very brave, hard workers set out to do what had to be done...

This was their target...

The way was messy...

But being the amazing people that they are, they managed to pull through smiling...

Their weapons of choice lay before them...

And one by one, the chickens fell...

These brave souls processed somewhere around 75 birds that day; and for all but one, this was their first time to perform a feat such as this...

Those who could not help in such close proximity to our work, went out and dug a deep hole to bury the "leftovers" in. It was a deep hole. ;) (okay, so in the picture, he's actually crouching down. It wasn't THAT deep!)


Many of us were on our feet for 9 hours. Some had been on their feet for 13 hours. Lesson learned that day: don't wear rubber boots for 13 hours straight. Your feet will be killing you afterwards!

All those long hours paid off in the end. We were rewarded with fantastic meat to be stored in our freezers! :)

That night, we all dreamed of chickens...

Thank you to everyone who helped and bought chickens that day! I had an incredible team of helpers, who kept the laughter going all throughout the day, and it was so nice getting to see all of you who came to buy your birds! 


  1. It's pretty hilarious the jokes that come out of chicken butchering!

  2. Oh dearie me, yes.... Some interesting pranks were played that day!

  3. That was sooooo much fun!! I guess I had a side splitting (or should I say neck slitting!) time of it. =)

    What with the ideas and speeches of one unnamed brother of mine whose name starts with an 'A' and the hilarious antics of a very funny young woman whose initials are C.B.A. I am amazed at how cool and collected you stayed. Ok, fine, I am probably overlooking your momentary lapses into insanity along with the obvious inclinations to pull your hair out, but on the whole you weathered it amazingly well!! ;)

    If you are still standing at the end of the day after having experienced the wave of Hampshire/Morrissey/Ash/Menne antics, you have my respect.

    If you ever need a crew of laughing, excited, inexperienced, goofy and inexhaustible chicken slaughterers you know where to find them!!

  4. Hahahaha! Thank you for that wonderful comment, Jillian!! You guys were so fun to work with, and A's speeches kept me laughing. :) We're still on for next year, right? ;)

  5. Thanks again for those chickens, Caitie! That was such an amazing deal. :)

    We had fun coming out to visit your chicken team. :D


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