Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Can You Hear Me Smiling?

 If you can't, then just know that there is a great big smile on my face right now! ;)

 Why this sudden happiness, you ask? 

For starters, I e-mailed the people who bought Poppy (my prankster of a cow), just to see how she was doing for them, and this was the reply I got yesterday:

"She is doing great!  It's like having another dog.  She's just so gentle and plays with the kids.  We love her to pieces!"

I was so tickled to hear that all my hard work with Poppy paid off, and she is now being loved to death by a gaggle of kids. :) I've had a fleeting thought of buying another heifer calf this fall, and then selling her in the spring, just like I did with Poppy. January through April is a very hard time for me, as I have almost no money coming in, but still a good sized sum going out each month to buy feed for the animals. Selling Poppy when I did, gave me a huge leg up, and provided a much needed income at a much needed time. But right now, it's still just a fleeting thought about getting another calf.... 

Comments on our chickens have begun coming in as well, and so far everyone has been extremely pleased with the taste and size of the birds. Here's one comment we got....

"Please let Caity know that her chicken was delicious and nearly twice the size of what I get from the grocery stores.  I meant to take a picture of the chicken after I baked it…it was so pretty…but I started gobbling it up before I remembered to snap a picture…."

Here's another comment on our chickens...

 "The chickens were so tender and delicious! So different from the store bought ones... Great job!"

I also heard back from a couple of people who bought goats from me, and both said that they have been delighted with their new goat kids, and they settled in their new homes quickly. :)

Can you hear me smiling now? ;)

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