Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pacing Myself

I admit that I have a hard time pacing myself in life. My "Git 'er done" attitude gets in the way and I find myself constantly pushing, pushing, pushing to accomplish things, and to stretch my self. I forget that it's okay to slow down, and just breathe. To pace myself. To watch myself....

 Lately, I've been biking in the evenings to get out some pent up energy that I've had... And even in that, I have to continuously remind myself that I am not in the Olympics. That it IS okay to slow down and pace myself. I find myself biking faster and faster; watching the miles fall behind me, and wanting more... I crave the speed and the physical labor that comes with it, but I need to pace myself...

 My life is like that... I want to do things NOW. I want to accomplish tasks ahead of me. I can see them; I push myself to my limits, trying to get to them. Forever striving, reaching, pushing, working... Why can't I remember to pace myself!?!? I always feel that if I don't push myself to my utter limit, I have somehow failed... I fail a lot in life.

Tonight's bike ride was nice. I only had time for a quick 2 mile ride before the goats started calling me, but I wish I could have gone further. A pack of coyotes wailed from a grove of pine trees to my left and I could hear them trotting through the brush as they finished their song.... The gravel road was delightfully bumpy; one of those really good ones with potholes everywhere, and it feels like your teeth and eyeballs are going to fall out from the constant jostling. :) I like those kinds. The speed and uneven movement reminded me a lot of my rodeo days... How I miss doing the barrel races on a trusty horse! To feel 1000 lbs. of flesh moving in time to your cues, as you maneuver through the course... It ain't as easy as it looks, folks!

 I came home feeling satisfied.... I still wish I could have gone at least another mile, but luckily there is always tomorrow...

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