Monday, August 15, 2011

Bath Time

It was time....

Poor Capri had been nicknamed "The Wraith", for her appearance, which could only be described as "Gray, dingy, dim, and pathetic."

She needed a bath.

So, armed with fluffy towels, lavender scented conditioner, goat milk soap, and lots of water, I went and found my victim....

She didn't believe me when I told her she needed a bath, and was very opinionated about the whole matter. To a goat, the only thing worse than death is getting wet.

And she was about to get REALLY wet.

Capri was a trooper the whole time, and resigned herself to many bubbles and listening to me sing the "bubble song". ;) I did still catch her muttering under her breath, things like "catching her death of cold", and "Much too wet for her liking" though... Hehe.

As you can see in these pictures, she is still quite thin, but at least she is CLEAN now!! :)  Capri is making a rapid recovery, and is gaining more weight each day. She even romped with the kids this morning. 

I will give an update on the goats soon, maybe tomorrow. But as for now, you shall have to be content with squeaky clean goats.

I love watching her walk in the pasture... She glimmers and shines beneath the sunlight....

And she is clean. The End.

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