Monday, August 15, 2011

Stand Up for Fair Food in Oregon!

If you raise or grow food to sell, how would you like to wake up in the morning to this at your door?

They'll introduce themselves as the SWAT team, and they're here for you. Your crime? It could be many things. Perhaps you were selling some raw milk from your little goat to your next door neighbor. Perhaps you sold some organically grown vegetables to your aunt who lives in town. Or maybe you made a nice pound cake to sell at a fundraising event. It doesn't matter what it was. You don't have the freedom to do any of those things, and if your caught, guess who comes calling.... They do. 

I've said it before.... Our food system has been corrupted. The small farmers who have their head screwed on straight get raided by SWAT teams, and are arrested. They provide good, clean food and get punished. Meanwhile, the big Ag bosses continue to sell contaminated food, that people continue to eat, and they are rewarded with tax subsidies and are given no trouble. Am I the only one who sees something wonky with this picture?

I wanted to let y'all know that the Food and Water Watch is collecting signatures for their Fair Farm Bill petition, and you Oregonians are needed! FaWW would like to deliver 2,000 signatures to Senator Wyden, here in OR, next week. Right now they have a little over 1,400 signatures and only have 6 more days to get the last 600 people needed! Of course, you don't have to live in the State of Oregon to sign the Fair Farm Bill petition. Once 50,000 signatures from all over the nation have been collected, they will be delivered to the members of Congress. We need to speak up and let our government know what we think!!

To read more about the petition, and to sign it, click HERE. 

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