Sunday, October 16, 2011

Got Milk?

If you do, I envy you. I don't "got milk". :( I've gone four solid months now, without a single drop of milk, and I am having a craving for some right now... Not just any milk either. I want some raw, goat milk! How I miss milking my girls, and then having a supply of that wonderful stuff in my fridge!! My breakfasts are now toast and tea. And after a couple months of having that for brekkers, you start wishing for that white liquid... [sigh]

 I may break down and get some raw cow milk from a friend (that's how desperate I am; I'm actually considering cow milk!!), seeing as my goats aren't even bred yet, and it's a five month gestation period before they kid, and I have milk again. Oy.

 So here's to milk... Y'all can raise your full glasses to the toast, while I hold my empty one. Wishing there was something in it... Phooey.


  1. I love raw cow's milk. I haven't tried raw goat's milk yet, since I disliked pasteurized goat milk.

  2. Poor girl! If you come visit me I'll serve you all the fresh, raw, unadulterated goat's milk you can drink!

  3. Autumn, raw goat's milk is fantastic! I don't like the pasteurized stuff either, though... It does depend on the breed of goat too. Nubians, Nigerians, and Guernseys give the best tasting milk, due to their high butterfat content. Alpines and La Manchas give pretty good milk as well. The Saanens, Toggenburgs, and Oberhaslis tend to give a strong tasting milk, since that's what they've been bred for. But of course, each goat will vary. Some Saanens give wonderful milk, and I'm sure there's probably a Nubian somewhere in this world that gives goaty tasting milk... ;)

    Michelle, if I start walking now, I might reach your house in a week or two! LOL! I take it you have baby goats over at your place?

  4. LOL! Get to walkin'... ;-)

    Nope... not babies yet. I have one doe who is still fresh from the spring. I shoot for ten month lactations. Miracle is now a day late! :-D It stormed horribly last night and I just knew she'd have them in the middle of all that, but nope, she kept 'em in...

  5. Seems like you just came out of your dry season. There again already? And sounds like you have been a while... were has the time gone? And poke, poke where is my quart for tasting? ; )

  6. This was a really bad year for me... My girls freshened (started milking) in May, and were dry by July. I never even got to start some serious milking! Argh!!! I DID mean to bring you a quart to try though! The goats just didn't want to comply for some reason... It was tough; we lost 5-7 regular customers, and that selling milk was basically my only source of income. At this rate, it looks like I'll have milk again sometime in April 2012. [Faints] I've toyed with the idea of buying one more doe, who is already milking, but what with plane ticket money needed, and I still have to buy hay, I don't know if it will happen...

    Let me know when your girl pops!! Pictures are ALWAYS welcomed!! ;)

  7. Sorry to hear it was a tough year! How long should they be milking? I thought from my research in getting goats it seemed like you would have around 9months of milk. Am I totally off? Maybe those Alpines are a way better idea than I thought.


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