Saturday, October 15, 2011


Eh? What was 'zat? Sorry, I must have -- fallen -- asleep -- again.... Zzzzz... ;)

 Okay, so I'm not quite THAT tuckered out; but I'm pretty close. The class went really well, and there was a headcount average of somewhere around 20 people. Not too shabby if I say so myself. :) I learned today, that I need to buy another copy of myself. Goodness gracious, those girls were all needing help for something different, at the same time! Now I know how my old art teacher felt... I probably looked like a bumble bee; bumbling, ducking, stooping, and turning; trying to help 13 girls use a drop spindle! LOL! It was interesting to see which girls really latched onto the spinning process, and those who seemed a little indifferent. It was a fun group though. They were all really sweet girls, they were attentive, and they learned surprisingly quickly! By the end of the lesson, each girl knew how to choose, wash and card a raw fleece, and how to spin their own yarn.

Oh, and here's a winner. I've waited who knows how many years to hear this. I got called, "Miss Caity", today! ;) I never thought I'd live to see the day when I was old enough that young girls would look up to me and call me "Miss"! LOL! So there, one of my life's goals completed...

Also sold a good bit of goat milk soap at the class, which was really nice. :) Gotta' start saving for a plane ticket to VA!

OH! And I am so, super stoked. The class hostesses (this spinning class was part of a home ec thing; and I was asked to teach) let me borrow their brand-spankin'-new copy of Joel Salatin's latest book, "Folks, This Ain't Normal". I started reading it on the way home, and am already loving it!


  1. Sounds like a terrific day! I bet you'll sleep well tonight!

    Maybe you could write a review of Mr. Salatin's book for your readers when you finish reading it.

  2. I help out with stamp club meetings, and I know how much running someone can do! I agree with Michelle, maybe you can write a review when you are finished! ;)

  3. A ticket to VA?? When and where???

    Aunt M (You know...that Aunt that lives a few hours north of VA in the state of MD)!!!

  4. Yeah! I did know that I have a certain Aunt who lives in MD!! ;) If I do indeed go to VA, the first visit will be in January (not positive on dates yet), and I'll be in Swoope. So, about 4 1/2 hours from you! :)


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