Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Work I Go!

Toodle pip and cheerio, my dearies! I'll be leaving in a few hours to go teach a spinning workshop! :) I've been looking forward to doing this for a few weeks, and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. My mission is to give thirteen young girls a crash course in spinning, and we have to cram what would normally be 6-8 lessons, into a 2+ hour session. Fun, fun, fun! ;) I've got 14 spindles packed in my bag, as well as three fleeces, some roving, balls of singles for plying, books, and numerous other odds 'n' ends. Oh, and some goat milk soap for the hostesses. :)

 I also have 5 more workshops in the making, and will post info on those soon! So far, I have workshops covering, goats, rabbits, spinning, urban homesteading, and backyard chickens. Methinks my life is going to get busy, quickly!

Okey, dokey... I must needs go now... 

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