Friday, November 4, 2011



  1. Well, she was pretty listless and stiff this morning; I couldn't even get her to stay upright! :( but after a couple rounds of meds (calcium, magnesium,vit C, iron, B complex, rosehip tea and some echinacea/goldenseal powder) she seems to be doing a little bit better. Still no improvement in her movement abilities though... It's hurry up and wait right now.

  2. Poor girl! Have you gotten the test results you were waiting on?

  3. Ahhh! They need to get the lead out!!! I've been hearing a lot about barber pole worms lately...

  4. Aye, we got barberpole last year, and I know a lot of people who lost goats to that last year. My Nubian doe 'Ivy' got a case of it last summer, but I caught it in time and it only lasted 3 days. This year, it seems everyone got liver flukes. :-/

    I like it here in Oregon, but it is definitely one of the harder states to raise livestock in. Sure, we have green grass year around, but it's always so wet here in the valley that the worms never die off! Colder places at least get snow, and those frigid temps kill off the worm ova. But here... Here it's just wet all the time, which is the perfect environment for parasitical worms. Grrr.

  5. Yep! And it seems to me that goats do not like it when the weather is damp, either, and my conception is that Oregon is nearly always wet. Is it?


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