Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Dashing White Sergeant

 Thursday night came, and Thursday night went... It was the first time in two years that I had been to the weekly ECD (English Country Dancing) meets. Wow have I missed going to dance... I was delighted when one of my favorite dances was called up. It's called "The Dashing White Sergeant". No idea why it's called that, but it's a fast, crazy dance that always leaves me laughing. However, we danced it to a new song that I had never danced to, and I have to say... I liked it a lot better. ;)

I told myself I would never link to my old blog, but wouldn't you know it, I'm linking back to it. LOL. The below link leads you to a video of The Dashing White Sergeant, which we did at a 2009 ball (two years ago!). 'Tis rather poor quality, seeing as it was done with a tiny point-and-shoot camera, but it's better than me rambling on and on, trying to explain the dance to y'all. Yes, I'm in the video, but I'm not going to point myself out. ;) If you can spot me, you get extra brownie points. LOL.

This little button below will play the new song we danced to. It's called 'The Samurai Set'. (There was a 15 second intro before the actual dance started). At one minute and twenty seconds, the bagpipes start up, and oh goodness... It was awesome doing that dance. Over fifty people stomping in time to the bagpipes, with the music having to be loud enough that you can hear the cues... My Irish genes were happy that night.

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