Sunday, May 27, 2012

RIP Temerity...

If nothing else, Facebook has allowed me to get updated on the Kastdemur's herd. 

And I was most sorrowful to see that their fabulous doe, Temerity, passed away on April 26th...

SGCH Kastdemur's Temerity 5*M

This dear friends, is a beautiful goat... I never had the chance to see Temerity in person, but her name is well known among Nubian breeders. She was huge, powerful, graceful, a milking powerhouse... She was awesome. Oh how I've always dreamed of someday getting a kid from her. But with a used truck being cheaper than one of her offspring, I figured it would take a miracle for such an animal to land in my barn. 

And then that dream was cut short as I found this news only yesterday... Some dreams just don't come true the way we hoped them to. 

Rest in peace, dear Temerity. It will be a long, long time before your name is forgotten in the Nubian world...


  1. Hello Keep up with the outstanding posts. Thanks you very much

  2. outstanding work. see you,

  3. Thank you for the excellent posts!


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