Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pssst! GSF Is Now On Facebook!

Yes, dear friends, you read that right... Goat Song Farm is now on Facebook!


I always told myself that I would never entangle myself in that confusing website that everyone else seemed to be a part of. And for a long, long time, I truly never cared to have a facebook account of my own. Nope, not this seemingly old fashioned girl.

But times goes on, things change, people change. I changed. I began to look at Facebook not as a way to chat with friends, but as a new marketing tool. I could see how it might be helpful to have a page of my own... But it was still just a random, floating thought.

That is, until one day I found Kastdemur's Dairy Goat's Facebook page. Apparently they had just had a blowout sale due to a death in the family, and many fabulous goats went up for sale. I had no idea of this until one month later when I read the facebook page. I couldn't believe I missed such a sale!! Kastdemur's is one of the best breeders in the nation and normally their goats sell for the price of a used car. 

Then I started noticing that all the nearby breeders were also updating their facebook pages frequently, while their websites collected cobwebs. I suddenly felt out of the loop and archaic as I futilely e-mailed breeders about stock, only to be told that their websites were out of date, and I should check out their facebook page. [smacks forehead]

So what started all of this was really wanting a way to keep in touch with other goat breeders. I had missed countless opportunities of acquiring fabulous stock, I wasn't going to let any more slip past me without something of a fight.  

And yes, it is also a new marketing tool for me. ;) I am still quite new to all of this, and FB is a hugely different world from my beloved Blogger, but I'm learning. Slowly, but surely. 

So, you can visit ma' grandiose facebook page by clicking HERE!

P.S. Feel free to "like" my page! LOL!


  1. Oh no... dragging kicking and screaming into the modern age... am I the ONLY ONE iN the WorlD that doesn't update my facebook page regularly???? I must be! I'll log on tomorrow and look for yours!

  2. Mwaahaahaa! ;D Welcome to the facebook! :P



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