Saturday, May 26, 2012

Teaching and Writing

I am zonked. I taught a five hour "mini-workshop" today (there was just one family, so therefore it's a mini sized class), and together we went over everything that one might possible need to know about rabbits. We talked about handling rabbits, feeding, breeding, health, we bred a doe, butchered some fryers, had rabbit soup for lunch, and boy howdy are our arms scratched up now... 

After lunch, we were just preparing to go back outside and finish the class when a package came with MY name on it!! I hadn't ordered anything, so my curiosity was too great to wait until the end of the workshop to find out what was inside. I had no idea what it might be, but I recognized the sender...


Inside the padded interior of the envelope, I found 10 copies of the 'Oregon's Agricultural Progress' magazine. Now, I have to admit that I was stumped at first as to why I was sent ten magazine that had an F-15 jet of the front of it. I stared at it a few moments, trying to figure this out when the title suddenly sank in. OH! It's the Oregon's Agricultural Progress!!! My writing is in here!!!!


    With this realization, I began frantically flipping through the pages, searching for familiar words. And there it was... On page 11, a very, very small blurb of words was printed on the right hand side... With my name printed at the bottom...


This little piece was actually a blog post here at To Sing With Goats, but some nice folks at the OSU asked to use it both in the OSU Small Farms newsletter, and here in the Agricultural Progress.
You can read the original blog post by clicking HERE.
The article in the Small Farms Newsletter can be found HERE. (page 6)
And the article in the Oregon's Agricultural Progress can be found HERE!


Perhaps this is a bit silly of me, but I have ALWAYS dreamed of one day seeing my own name printed in a magazine (or something online) at the bottom of an article that I wrote. I see my name at the bottom of every Mother Earth News post that I write, and I saw my name in the online OSU newsletter, but holding the magazine... Actually seeing my name on something printed... Well, it made this farm girl do more than just smile. One little dream came true today before going out and spending the rest of the day doing another passion in life: teaching. Teaching and writing, writing and teaching... So often I dream of one day making a living by doing those two things. Teaching and writing. Today it felt like that just might be possible...

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